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Showing posts from July, 2020

Lets fight covid together! Without depending on politicians!

Let's forget our political leaders! We all know that they are useless, good for nothing, greedy , power hungry and the most selfish type of people. Its evident from the works and acts! They also have a lot of people that blindly follow these leaders, to pick up and feed themselves on their Master's vomit, enslaving themselves to these so called leaders. I am not here to talk about them today. I am here to talk about Covid. Goa today reported its 34th covid death, I doubt their figures as I feel the numbers could be a lot higher and are not being reported accurately for reasons best known to them. But I feel that we the general public too are acting irresponsibly, you go to a shop or a market here in Goa and you will understand what I am trying to say, We Indians feel a sense of entitlement. We feel that we are entitled not to be kept waiting in ques, we feel that we have better immunity hence corona cannot infect us, we don't wear masks or follow social distancing since we

What's worse....being infected by the covid virus or being stigmatised for being infected?

Read an article in the news paper this morning, it was about the second beggar to be found infected by the covid virus, and how the city fathers and the prominent citizens wanted them to be moved into shelters! This amazed me. It wasn't so much as the move, to move them to shelters, but more like moving them out of sight and away from the society. This got me thinking and it reminded me of a similar approach that was taken towards getting rid of stray dogs.  Prominent citizens were putting pressure on the city fathers to have stray dogs shot as they used to do in olden days, but then some animal activists and animal lovers made noise knocked on the doors of the courts and the so called city fathers were made to think of more humane ways of dealing with this issue. However the corrupt practices and the greed of these elected fathers never let the campaign succeed. Coming back to the main topic, I think due to the fear of death which may knock on the doors of these prominent citizens

How have i spent my covid days?

Let me start of by introducing myself, I am Allen Pereira, an Automobile engineer by profession and have been in the car business for the last 20 years, I manage a automotive workshop, where we repair cars, maintain them and do vehicle detailing and paint jobs.  The business has been going well, but over the last 3-4 years the Indian economy has been experiencing a slow down or a melt down as many would say, but the people running the state of affairs of the country will never admit this, however, just before the covid crisis erupted, the Indian auto industry was already experiencing a terrible time, the sale of new cars had dropped, new rules and regulations were being implemented, which were making new cars more expensive and unaffordable, and all this was causing losses which made companies downsize by doing jobcuts, reducing salaries and productive hours. This had a ripple effect on the entire automotive industry. But then came the lock down due to covid and brought everything to a

Why havent we managed to control the spread of covid?

Looks like all the nations are in a race. A race to prove to the rest of the world, that it is the first nation to have discovered the cure or a vaccine for covid! But in the bargain are we loosing focus on how to contain the spread of the virus and letting it take a lot of lives. If you observe the various measures and the symbolic gestures that the governments adopted initially and at present the reluctance of even speaking on the subject, tells me that they have been clueless in their approach, and whatever measures they have adopted are due to the pressure on them to show that they are doing things to rid us off the virus...its just a show for public consumption. However there are a few, who are doing good work and have also managed to get the support of the people, win their trust and appreciation of the measures adopted. But their models are just ignored and not discussed or followed. Many of the densely populated countries have tried to implement this but without much success, a

Life in covid times

This covid crisis has totally changed our lifestyle. If you look at the suitation minutely, we will notice that life has changed and the changes happened so fast, that we haven't even had the chance to respond and react to it effectively. Why has this covid come into existence and that too at this time?  My answer to this lies in my theory: I feel that, as and how we humans keep on destroying and polluting the environment, we will see a spike in the new types of sickness coming into existence, we have seen cancer and our inability to get rid of it, and there are so many different types of cancers, Lung cancer, caused by smoking and inhaling toxic gasses, liver cancer caused by excessive alcohol or other contaminants that we may be consuming, colon cancer caused by the oils and foods we consume, tongue throat cancer caused by chewing tobacco etc. If you look at the causes, you will notice that its because of the pollutants that are entering our system. As humans our basic necessitie