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Why havent we managed to control the spread of covid?

Looks like all the nations are in a race. A race to prove to the rest of the world, that it is the first nation to have discovered the cure or a vaccine for covid! But in the bargain are we loosing focus on how to contain the spread of the virus and letting it take a lot of lives.

If you observe the various measures and the symbolic gestures that the governments adopted initially and at present the reluctance of even speaking on the subject, tells me that they have been clueless in their approach, and whatever measures they have adopted are due to the pressure on them to show that they are doing things to rid us off the virus...its just a show for public consumption.

However there are a few, who are doing good work and have also managed to get the support of the people, win their trust and appreciation of the measures adopted. But their models are just ignored and not discussed or followed.

Many of the densely populated countries have tried to implement this but without much success, and conviction.

Let me now, take the state of India, I belong to and use it as a sample or a cluster and tell you from my observations, why I think that the administration has failed so badly.

The numerous flip flops made by the administration, the brute force of the police machinery used against unsuspecting general public, the egoistic politics of the elected representatives, the use of special laws and sections of laws on common people but not being applied to those who have close connections with the administrations, only took away a lot of credibility of what the governments intentions were. It made the people at large loose faith in the measures being adopted and do just the contrary of what was being told. To make matters worse, the ordinary daily waged labourers were harrased, they were not allowed to go back to their homes where they would feel more at ease. No transport was provided to them, while the rich peoples children who were studying in foreign countries were brought by rescue flights. This gave all a feeling that the government is always pro rich.
The government dint stop at just that, they announced that people would not loose jobs and financial packages or stimulus would be injected to the economy, so that people don't feel the brunt, they even announced a 20 lakh core package.

But in reality nobody got any respite, the rest of the countries and the Indians leaving abroad were made to feel like, great work was being done for the common people.

Today, the corona crisis has increased ,people are loosing their jobs, left right and center, but the government instead of making the common men's burden less, is increasing the fuel prices when they are globally at a all time low, this has a cascading effect as the prices for everything will shoot up.but the people at the helm of affairs don't seem to be giving a rats'arse about it.

I am talking India specific as I am in India, and to be very honest, I dont think any other government if in power would be any different.

I see similar things happen in the US of A, in UK and it can be noticed that people to are throwing caution to the wind and not following the procedures to reduce the rate of infections. This because they don't trust the people in power who are asking them to follow these protocols.

But for the safety of each one of us, I do feel that we should follow social distancing and sanitization.


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