This covid crisis has totally changed our lifestyle. If you look at the suitation minutely, we will notice that life has changed and the changes happened so fast, that we haven't even had the chance to respond and react to it effectively.
Why has this covid come into existence and that too at this time?
My answer to this lies in my theory: I feel that, as and how we humans keep on destroying and polluting the environment, we will see a spike in the new types of sickness coming into existence, we have seen cancer and our inability to get rid of it, and there are so many different types of cancers, Lung cancer, caused by smoking and inhaling toxic gasses, liver cancer caused by excessive alcohol or other contaminants that we may be consuming, colon cancer caused by the oils and foods we consume, tongue throat cancer caused by chewing tobacco etc. If you look at the causes, you will notice that its because of the pollutants that are entering our system.
As humans our basic necessities to live are food, air and water. If you look around, our rivers are contaminated and polluted, the air we breathe is polluted, and the food we eat is also contaminated, cause to produce the food we eat, the raw materials required to prepare our food also is being fed the same contaminated air and water.
The other requirements of life are Clothing and shelter, to make clothing we need cloth, to make cloth we need mills, we need dyes and and factories, to run these factories we need electricity and to generate electricity we need to burn coal, or use nuclear power, which give out toxic gasses and sludge which are then disposed polluting the environment. For our shelter we now live in concrete houses or building apartments, to build this a lot of trees are usually cut, and cement is used, to cut the story short, every thing that we desire or are made to desire comes at a price, we humans for our selfish greed have been destroying the earth, left, right and center, and its not like the earth hasn't been warning us, it has! If you look at the recent past you will notice a lot many thypoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, the out break of SAR's and the Zica virus, but we humans have chosen to look the other way, cause we managed to break the code and make a vaccine for it, but covid has been different, its infection rate and its ability to shut down a healthy persons system is fast and this a causing a lot of fatalities which is worry some.
So why haven't we been able to deal with it?
The reason is simple, we don't have a lot of information about this, and your leaders, most of whom think they are too smart and know it all, come up with their own theories and even cures. And instead of brainstorming and strategiesing, on what methods to adopt, will autocratically come up with standard operating procedures that they change per minute basis, and will do a lot of chest beating on how their so called clarion calls have worked wonders on controlling the virus.
But its sad ..sad for those who loose their loved ones, sad for those going through this suffering of having been infected, for those who are sick and don't have the means of getting access to medical help because the administration just concentrates only on covid.
So coming back to our main topic , how has covid changed our lives? Or rather how do we need to change our lives to keep ourselves and our loved ones covid free?
1) We need to incorporate wearing a mask in our day to day activities.
2) We need to build our immunity, by exercising, and eating good food, also taking vitamin supplements.
3)Maintaining social distance while talking or meeting people, specially in unavoidable circumstances.
4)Avoiding social gatherings.
5) Avoiding touching the face area without washing our hands.
6)Avoiding market areas and places with crowds where maintaining a safe distance may be difficult.
We need to do all this, to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, not because some ill- informed leader is ordering us to do so.
I do hope that the cure and vaccine to this virus will be found soon. And hope that we take care of our environment so that we don't get to see more of such unannounced viruses.
ReplyDeleteI feel that Mother Earth took this drastic step so she could de-tox . In the process it has provided all of us humans a chance to get out of so many of our own potentially toxic habits as well. For eg. 1) Eating out often 2) Partying into the wee hours so not getting enough sleep and rest needed for our bodies to repair and heal 3)Too busy running the rat race of life and in the process, getting distanced from our loved ones and the ones who matter the most 3)living imaginary lives in the virtual world n getting so fixated on social media that the beauty and mystery of nature and the real world around us is forgotten 4) running after luxuries, showing off our wealth by accumulating unnecessary material possessions 5)not appreciating what we have but rather always running after more and more in order to compete with others whom we deem as richer or happier, luckier or more successful than ourselves etc etc
Due to covid and the resultant lockdown, we humans got a chance to take a much needed break, to slow down and start appreciating the more important things in life. To spend more time with our loved ones, to realise that simple home cooked meals eaten with chit chat and laughter of the family members is much more desirable than fast food .
To take time to look at the beauty of nature in the absence of man made pollution and to hear the beautiful sounds of silence and birds chirping in the absence of noise and chaos of traffic.
Irrespective of the political games and mistakes and mess made by our governments and authorities, it is up to each one of us to shoulder the responsibility to make the right choices and do the needful to help the world at large, our families, neighbours, friends, and ourselves individually to bounce back and stand stronger and taller through this crisis and beyond.
'This too shall pass'
DeleteYour absolutely correct!