Are we being killed by Mis management of the covid crises? I think so! Here are the reasons, that make me think this way. The elected representatives are playing to a global audience, rushing to be the first to invent a vaccine, without proper testing, fudging mortality figures and suppressing data from the very people they represent, making drama's of symbolism and saying its a tribute to the front line workers, having the media as a mouth piece that only builds a web and tries to portray failures as a win, and when it becomes impossible to defend their masters they change the narrative to divert attention. On what basis do I say all this? This is based on my experience in Goa, one of the smallest States in India. Initially the person that is Incharge of the administration of the state, the chief minister (CM), rushed to seal the Goan borders, the shut down industry, and even forced the local businesses to shut shop. He assured the people of Goa that within a couple of days he w...
Let's forget our political leaders! We all know that they are useless, good for nothing, greedy , power hungry and the most selfish type of people. Its evident from the works and acts! They also have a lot of people that blindly follow these leaders, to pick up and feed themselves on their Master's vomit, enslaving themselves to these so called leaders. I am not here to talk about them today. I am here to talk about Covid. Goa today reported its 34th covid death, I doubt their figures as I feel the numbers could be a lot higher and are not being reported accurately for reasons best known to them. But I feel that we the general public too are acting irresponsibly, you go to a shop or a market here in Goa and you will understand what I am trying to say, We Indians feel a sense of entitlement. We feel that we are entitled not to be kept waiting in ques, we feel that we have better immunity hence corona cannot infect us, we don't wear masks or follow social distancing since we ...