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Are we being killed by mismanagement of the covid crisis.?


Are we being killed by Mis management of the covid crises?

I think so! Here are the reasons, that make me think this way.

The elected representatives are playing to a global audience, rushing to be the first to invent a vaccine, without proper testing, fudging mortality figures and suppressing data from the very people they represent, making drama's of symbolism and saying its a tribute to the front line workers, having the media as a mouth piece that only builds a web and tries to portray failures as a win, and when it becomes impossible to defend their masters they change the narrative to divert attention.

On what basis do I say all this?

This is based on my experience in Goa, one of the smallest States in India. Initially the person that is Incharge of the administration of the state, the chief minister (CM), rushed to seal the Goan borders, the shut down industry, and even forced the local businesses to shut shop. He assured the people of Goa that within a couple of days he would have infrastructure ready to give door to door supplies to each and every household in Goa, they also made claims that they would convert schools, colleges, stadiums and even trains into covid care centers.... They put out pictures on social media making a propaganda of how good we were at adapting to this crises.

This however was all in the beginning phases of this pandemic. To a certain extent it was helping, but the infrastructure was not being set up, and pressure started to build as people began to run out of supplies and money. During these trying times, the administration increased the taxes, thus burdening the common people more.

This wasn't the only thing, they started believing their fudged data, and did a self praising victory dance trying to project that they had won over covid. Now some of their followers too believed them and piled up the pressure to resume business as normal. The chief obliged and opened up everything.

Within a span of a week, the cases began to increase...but the media highlighted the recoveries and spoke of the moralities in percentages as though the deaths were insignificant. 

Today Goa's covid death toll is just rising by the day, the covid care centers are running out of beds, and these people have only been talking about making new centers while on ground there is little to none progress being made.

People looking at these numbers are getting anxious and paranoid, imagine if the are now given the correct data, I guess there will be a civil war!

To make matters worse, the masses are being made to discriminate, as though people infected by covid are some untouchables. If on testing a person is found to be covid positive, he/she is picked up in the middle of the night, like a criminal, taken to a center and made to stay in isolation with other covid patients...killing the purpose of isolation, he isn't given proper food is what I have been told by a patient. This in only putting more fear in the minds of people about getting themselves tested.

The only hope we the people of Goa should now have is, putting our faith in God. 

These so called elected representatives are good for nothing and are just leading us to our graves!
